Invitations: Have you ever found an invitation you liked but it was so overly priced there was no way you would ever actually purchase it....I know I have been in this situation a million times. Or have you ever found an invite you love the look of but hate the wording? How about find a great boy invite and wish there was a girl version or vise versa?! I am here to help all of that! Here is how it works:
- Pick out a design you like All designs found HERE !
- Think about all the changes you might want {colors you want changed, things you want moved around, wording you may want to add......} Also, if you would like to add a picture or take one off!
- Purchase the invite from ETSY.
- I will complete your invite and send you a proof to OK. There are an unlimited amount of edits. If you decided you might not like something particular on the invite I will WILL BE 100% satisfied with your product!
- Once you approve the proof you are ready to print!
- Printing your invite is simple! Simply upload to any photo finishing lab, even 1 hour!
- You can print like any photo to take from your camera.
- You can also print on cardstock from your home computer or any copy institute such as Office Max, Staples, or FedEX!